real whole wheat bread

i know there’s a lot of people out there that fear yeast.  i don’t necessarily fear it.  i’ll try anything in the kitchen, really…hell, i tried spinning sugar when i was thirteen years old, after i had seen it being done on tv.  i find yeast more of a pain in the ass than anything, with the proofing, the kneading, the waiting.

& wiping all the flour off the counter.  i really hate that part.  it always makes such a mess.

this week’s food matters project recipe was quite possibly the easiest yeast bread ever.

stir, wait, pour, wait, bake.  that’s it.

the recipe is prefaced with mark bittman stating that this bread is not the “whole wheat” bread you’re accustomed to buying at the grocery store & that was definitely the case.  the flavor was great, but it was very, very dense, almost like the inside was wet?

anyhow, we sliced it thin & used it for grilled cheese.  the sandwiches didn’t toast up as well as we’re used to, but the bread really did taste good.

overall, we didn’t dislike this week’s recipe, but will probably tweak it a little bit for next time…the technique’s way too easy not to try it again.  i’m thinking spelt!

to see what everyone else created with their whole wheat bread, head over to the food matters project.  for the full recipe for both real whole wheat bread & mostly whole wheat baguettes visit melissa at the faux martha.

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5 Responses to real whole wheat bread

  1. Margarita says:

    So, the inside of my bread looked exactly like yours. I loved the taste but really not too crazy about the texture.

  2. Lena says:

    I don’t really fear yeast, either, but I am still working on baking a whole-wheat bread that I really like. They usually turn out way too dense.

  3. I think your bread looks great! I made baguettes and they were way flat, but they tasted good. I’m without you on the try again stance!

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